Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Week 50 - The Ottawa Food Bank

A couple of my frisbee friends throw an annual holiday party that incorporates a food drive for the Ottawa Food Bank. Given their large social circle, these two lovely ladies raised a considerable amount of food and cash donations in 2010. Given the worthiness of the cause, not only did I bring some canned and boxed foods, I decided to make a donation on the Ottawa Foodbank website.

While reviewing the website, I was impressed to read that $1 donated to the food bank generates $5 worth of food into the community. Sadly, these donations are necessary, as the Ottawa food bank provides 43,000 people each month with emergency food assistance, 40% of whom are children. All this to say, if you happen to be looking for a worthy cause this holiday season, the food bank has a high need for donations.

Regarding my last personal goal of the year, I'm happy to report that due to an extra game of ultimate, and a hard work-out tonight, I'm inching ever closer to my sub 170 lb goal by year end. So close...so close...

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