Friday, January 1, 2010

Week 1 - Clean House!


Clean every room, closet, and cupboard in my condo by next Sunday night.


Prior to Christmas, when I had people over, I caught myself shutting the door to my spare room in an effort to hide the mess. Additionally, my kitchen table and dresser are usually so full of papers that it's hard to see the wood tops. I was extremely busy this past summer and didn't get around to my traditional spring/summer it's time to get on it!

Furthermore, I read an excellent book by Gail Blanke titled "Throw Out Fifty Things" last fall, and agreed with her premise that organizing your physical possessions (including tossing out the unnecessary crap) leads to a better mental state. Admittedly, lately, I've had a lot on my mind, and hope that de-cluttering will relieve some of that pressure.

Special Considerations:

Since I cleaned my spare room today (Friday), I'm actually giving myself two extra days to accomplish this weeks objective. Considering I tossed a full garbage bag of crap, and gathered a huge bannana box of books and three garbabe bags of clothes to donate, from a 10x12 foot room...the extra days are desperately needed.

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